One of the methods that can be used to increase volume and provide fullness in various parts of the face and body is fat and tissue injections. Cheeks, forehead, cheek lip line, lips, chin tip, sunken areas on the hips and legs can be counted as examples of places where this application is performed. Generally, the fat taken from the person is reached to a certain concentration by going through some special processes such as washing and filtering, and then it is injected into the area where it will be injected with the help of thin tubes. If the person is to undergo some other surgical procedures at the same time, the tissues obtained from these surgeries can be added to the fat tissue and injected. Since these are tissues taken from the person himself, no undesirable effects or results are expected. In addition, since the injection is made from very small points, it is not expected that there will be any scars at the injection site, but rarely scar tissue may occur.
When choosing the area where fat will be removed for fat injections, areas on the body where there is a lot of fat are generally preferred. These areas are mostly the abdomen, waist and (more commonly in women) hips. Tissue enlargement achieved by fat injection is quite limited. Expectations must therefore be realistic. If extreme growth rates are desired, permanent implants should be preferred. To test this, first fat injections are performed, and then, if desired, implant applications are performed. Since some of the injected tissues are absorbed and destroyed by the body, new injections may be required after a while. The effectiveness of this procedure and the results that can be obtained are discussed by evaluating the application area, the amount administered, and the condition of the tissues. The melting rate may vary between 50-70%. This amount varies depending on whether the area where the injection is made is mobile or immobile. Compared to the retention and absorption rate of fat in immobile areas such as the forehead and chin, the retention and absorption rate of fat is different in moving areas such as around the mouth.

Blood thinners such as aspirin should be avoided for 10 days before the procedure. In addition, if the patient has any significant illnesses in his/her history and any medications he/she uses regularly, the doctor should be informed. Fat injections alone can be performed with sedation and local anesthesia or only local anesthesia. As soon as the fat injection process is completed, cold application is applied to reduce swelling in the application area. Cold application is done with the help of gels or bags filled with ice. Usually 15-20 minutes per hour It is applied by circulating to the areas. Ice should not come into direct contact with the skin. The bag containing ice or gel is applied to the procedure area with the help of a cheesecloth or towel.
After the procedure, especially in the first two days, swelling beyond the amount of fat injection is expected in the application area. This swelling will decrease over time. However, injections into the lip area may take longer and swelling may sometimes be excessive. The application area can be washed the day after the procedure and a moisturizing cream can be applied. 4.-5. A light massage to the application area after the day helps to disperse the swelling. It is necessary to avoid excessive heat and steam as they increase swelling. Fat injection generally does not cause any discomfort that would affect a person's daily life, except for the first few days. The first two days should be spent resting more due to excessive edema and bruising that may occur in some areas. Small tapes placed at the entry points for fat injection can be removed a few hours after the procedure or the next day. The use of antibiotics is recommended for preventive purposes. This period is approximately 5 days. There is no need to use antibiotics after the 5th day. If gradually decreasing edema increases at any stage, and if sensitivity and temperature increase occur in the area, this may be a sign of an infection. In this case, a doctor should be consulted. In the early period after the procedure, the appearance of the face or injection area is not only created by the given fat. In addition, even though it is minor, it is normal for edema to develop in that area since a surgical intervention is performed. This edema should not be confused with fat injection. Edema dissipates quickly in the days after surgery, decreases and disappears over time. Tissue augmentation with fat injection is a permanent method.